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Dual Degree Estimated Program Cost

Master of Social Work students may choose to pursue an additional graduate degree while completing their studies in the School of Social Work. The School has approved dual degree programs with several schools and colleges on campus and students may also pursue self-initiated dual degrees to meet their professional interests. Most dual degree programs will require students to enroll in a minimum of six semesters to complete the degrees. Students pursuing the joint MSW/JD program will need to enroll in eight semesters.

Tuition rates vary between graduate programs at the University of Michigan. If students are enrolled in courses from both degree programs, they will be charged the higher of the two tuition rates. When possible, academic plans for dual degree students are developed to keep cost as low as possible for students. Dual degree students are also eligible to apply for grant and scholarship aid from each degree program for up to 3 semesters (6 semesters for MSW/JD students).

Students should explore the financial aid information for the School of Social Work and the additional degree program.

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